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A talisman of sorts, a cauldron for creative output, inspiration and communication. ​


An art journal for our community of magic-clown-changemakers - The Divine Ridiculous.


Inspired, in sheer awe of our wild tribe and the creative super powers we have as individuals and a collective, this zine is created as a magical resource to feed into and on.


Buy here: 



(I sometimes have copies to forward, which will save you postage fees - send me an email)








One purpose of this publication is to give a platform for community to create, share and be inspired. It relies on your inspirations and you are invited to submit your artwork, musings and mistakes.


The zine will be published irregularly at one of the four corners of the year; Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox.

You are welcome and encouraged submit entries.


Artwork can be crude, amateur and uncensored, along with anything else. This is a platform to encourage creation and a place to share your fantasies, magic and explorations. Feast on this opportunity to play and be seen.

Indulge, dare.




Next edition: TBC


Deadline for submissions: 



Entries and inquiries to

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